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Serious Burns Are a Serious Matter in NYC

Serious Burns Are a Serious Matter in NYC

Burn victims often have a long road to both physical and emotional recovery, and the difficulties they must live with go beyond their scars. Burn injuries can happen due to a number of individuals’ negligence and lack of care:

Heat/hot water burns (ie shower water, water pipes, radiator)

Hot liquid/food spills (ie at a restaurant or at home)

Flammable clothing

Product design defect (ie oven malfunction)

Electrical fire

Car fire

Chemical burns (ie leftover from construction, household products)

Electric shock (ie roadway construction)

It is important to contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Greenberg Law P.C. immediately to help collect evidence of the incident, which may be necessary in proving the case. Moreover, medical treatment can be extensive and expensive. It is not uncommon for a burn victim to require many months of care under many different doctors at various facilities. Greenberg Law P.C. has successfully handled numerous burn accident cases and will use medical experts, life-care planners and economists to help you plan for your loved one’s long-term medical treatment, lost wages, and overall recovery.

If you or a loved one has been injured or burned do to the negligence of someone else it is important to have a personal injury lawyer that understands the complexity of burn personal injury lawsuits. Alan M. Greenberg and associates understand that burn victims will need higher settlements because of the lasting emotional and physical damage and we will fight to get you the money you need to move forward.

This post is provided by Greenberg Law P.C., experienced trial lawyers you need if you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, construction accident, slip or trip and fall accident, medical malpractice, or has been injured in any way due to the fault of another. Contact us by email or call us today at 212-972-5656 to receive more information.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this post in not intended to be construed as legal advice, nor should it be considered a substitute for obtaining individual legal counsel.

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