Home|News|Personal Injury|Common Mistakes Made in Personal Injury Claims: Part 3

Common Mistakes Made in Personal Injury Claims: Part 3

In previous blog posts we discussed common mistakes those trying to pursue a personal injury case often make. Lay people often fail to follow through with proper medical treatment or fail to collect witness contact information. Two more common mistakes include:

  • Not Properly Documenting Injuries: When preparing a personal injury case, it is essential to have evidence and documentation to back up your case. Failure to collect proper documentation of anything related to your personal injury including but not limited to medical records, and doctors’ bills can cause you and your family thousands in settlement money or even your case.
  • Giving statements without legal Advice: Statements and even correspondence between you, the negligent party or their lawyer can be used against you if your case goes to court. Therefore, all statements and correspondence about your personal injury case should be reviewed by a lawyer so it does not cost you and your family the settlement you deserve.

These mistakes are just a few that can be made by those pursuing a personal injury case without the guidance of experience attorneys. Be smart in bringing your claim: hire the attorneys at Greenberg Law P.C. to avoid common mistakes. If you or a family member has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, contact the personal injury team at Greenberg Law P.C.

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