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Greenberg Law Team Has Major Verdict Accomplishment

As reported by topverdict.com, Raquel J. Greenberg, second-generation attorney and partner at Greenberg Law P.C. made the list of winning one of the 100 largest personal injury awards in New York in 2019. Raquel’s accomplishment in the case of Levy v. Jaffin-Segal Flatbush LLC, et al., is even more outstanding because the liability claim was not a clear-cut winning argument to make to the jury. Nevertheless, Raquel and her client prevailed, and the Kings County jury awarded them $492,000.

Attorney Greenberg can add the $492,000 award to her long list of accomplishments, including a 2 Million dollar jury verdict awarded to an ice skating instructor and a $670,000 settlement for a passenger injured in a train crash.

You deserve to have a top attorney known for record breaking results represent you in your claim. If you or someone you love has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, contact the renowned personal injury team at Greenberg Law P.C.

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