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Growing concern about pedestrian accidents

Unfortunately, the number of pedestrian accidents across the United States is on the rise. This is particularly true in New York City. The accident phenomenon has caught the attention of activists and transportation safety agencies, who are very concerned. Whether in large cities or in small towns, people have a right to feel safe when they cross the street and when they merely step onto the street.

It is even more surprising that pedestrian accidents are on the rise because in the economic turmoil of the past couple years there have been fewer people on the street at any given time. In 2020, vehicle miles traveled decreased by 13.2%. If you consider that vehicles nowadays are a lot safer to drive than they were in the past, there does not seem to be any logical reason why there are more pedestrian accidents now.

You are taking your life in your hands by crossing the street

New York is a city of walkers. People can accomplish so much on foot. However, considering the traffic (both speed and volume), pedestrians are extremely vulnerable to accidents as they are crossing the street (or just being on the street).

Accidents involving motor vehicles are very common and they often lead to serious injuries (or worse). If you are navigating the streets of New York City on foot, a car can come out of nowhere and your life can change in a split second. If that has happened to you, it may be a good idea for you to obtain advice from a lawyer with solid experience and expertise with motor vehicle accidents.

The prolonged effects of a motor vehicle accident

There are often far-reaching consequences of a motor vehicle accident. You may have to deal with medical expenses, serious pain and suffering, and insurance issues. Not only will you need to deal with all of the aftereffects of the accident but you will also have to deal with everything quickly in order to get what you need.

Even though you, as a pedestrian, were not responsible for causing the accident, the far-reaching consequences that you experience may be extremely difficult to resolve. That is where an experienced lawyer can help you to obtain what is fair and what is coming to you.

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