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What to do if you’re in a Bicycle accident

With winter ending and no snow in sight, New York City should expect an increase in cyclists around the city streets. However, not everyone takes extra care to ensure cyclists are safe and can ride without injury on the streets of New York. Cars, buses, blocked bike lanes, and unsafe streets all pose a risk to bicyclists and lead to serious injury. Some accidents are difficult to avoid especially if they are caused by someone else. If your cyclists and get injured while on your bicycle, there are a few things you need to do right away.

 Make sure you get to safety as soon as possible. Unfortunately, many cyclists get injured more or even killed because they fail to get to safety after they have been injured.

 Call the police and file a police report. Police reports, including getting witness testimony, will be essential when it is time to argue your case against the party that is responsible for your injury.

 Be careful who you talk with after the accident. For example, an insurance adjuster from the other persons insurance company may contact you and try to discuss the case with you. Often the goal may be to get you to say something that will hurt your case. Make sure you have a personal injury attorney before discussing the case with a third party.

Bicycle injuries are not minor events and victims need special care. If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s negligence in a bicycle accident, please contact Greenberg Law P.C. today. Our expert personal injury attorneys have decades of experience successfully representing victims of motor vehicle accidents.

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