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How Insurance Companies Fight Personal Injury Lawsuits

If you or a loved one is injured in an accident, often you may be seeking compensation from an insurance company that covers the negligent parties. Always remember that insurance companies are businesses with shareholders who expect money to be saved not spent, and therefore their goal is to pay as little compensation as possible to personal injury claimants.

Here are some strategies that insurance companies use in order to try to pay as little as possible in damages and compensation:

  • -Placing blame on the claimant based on hearsay from their insured or statement in reports;
  • -Telling the claimant before they retain a lawyer that they shouldn’t bother with a lawsuit since negligence by their insured is difficult to prove;
  • -Claiming that the victim’s doctor’s assessment may not be good enough to prove injuries and damages;
  • -Offering a very small amount in compensation before an attorney is hired or a lawsuit is filed, claiming they will never offer more (“take it or leave it”).

Understanding how to deal with insurance companies is essential for any personal injury claim to be successful. Insurance companies are not afraid to use their unfair strategies to pursuance a victim to accept a small settlement.

Do not be fooled by the insurance companies! Protect your claim by hiring the experienced attorneys at Greenberg Law P.C. We have decades of experience fighting insurance companies, and they understand that when we take on a case their tactics will not work. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, contact the attorneys at Greenberg Law P.C. today.

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