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I Signed a Waiver and Was Injured; what should I do?

If you or a loved one are injured due to someone else’s negligence, you may be wondering about your options, including pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. However, when you start thinking about pursuing a personal injury lawsuit, you may be concerned because perhaps you signed a liability waiver that may try to prevent you from filing a lawsuit if you are injury. However, depending on the waiver's wording and the state and local laws, you may have several options.

For example, in New York, waivers for gyms or other recreational centers that state owners or operators are not responsible for injuries that result from the owner or operator negligence are not enforceable if they collect a fee. Therefore, even if you signed a waiver you may still be able to pursue a personal injury case.

If you or a loved one has been injured and you signed a waiver, you may be wondering about your options for filing a personal injury lawsuit. Contact Greenberg Law, and we will help determine the best option to help you and your loved ones get the compensation you deserve.

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