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Why do wheelchair ramps pose a risk?

Wheelchair ramps are massively important for overall accessibility. People with wheelchairs, walkers, strollers and even just luggage need wheelchair ramps to get from one place to another smoothly.

However, sometimes these ramps can pose a hazard. This is particularly true of those that are not designed or maintained well.

Steep ramps

Adaptive Living Guide discusses safety tips for interacting with wheelchair ramps. For example, some ramps are far too steep. Ramps should have a slope of 1:12, which means that ramps that elevate by one foot need to be at least 12 feet long. If ramps do not follow this guideline, it could result in a person falling or even tipping over backward.

Wooden ramps

Over time, wooden ramps will rot and their structural integrity will begin to give. These ramps may also have a higher risk of cave-ins and will pose a problem due to becoming slippery when wet.

These ramps typically need slip-resistant paint and other safety measures to ensure that those who use them do not lose their traction.

No handrails

These are another crucial safety feature, but unfortunately, some ramps simply do not have handrails. Ramps over 6 feet in length should always have handrails, but this does not always happen.

This poses a problem, especially in inclement weather. A person who begins slipping on an icy or wet ramp will not have any handrail to catch him or herself on.

Anyone injured due to the improper build or maintenance of a ramp does have options when it comes to financial compensation, at least.

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