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Case Results

$6,200,000 Verdict

SLIP AND FALL OUTSIDE GROCERY STORE Our client, age 46 female, slipped and fell on a piece of wet cardboard on a faux brick tile walkway in Harlem, NY. Her fall caused serious and permanent injuries including tears in her left knee.

$5,450,000 SETTLEMENT

Man suffered severe burns due to fire caused by faulty appliance.

$5,100,000 SETTLEMENT

MAN SEVERELY BURNT BY RADIATOR BURST, RESULTING IN 16 SURGERIES AND LEG AMPUTATION Our client, a 63-year-old man, was injured when a 40-year-old radiator burst in his apartment as a result of negligent maintenance resulting in severe full-thickness burns.

$4,750,000 SETTLEMENT

Settlement won through mediation for a pedestrian struck by a truck while crossing the street, resulting in severe injuries to her head and legs.

$4,000,000 SETTLEMENT

Verdict for Medical Malpractice case in which the doctor performed a negligent spine surgery.

$4,000,000 VERDICT

A client who suffered an injury during surgery.

$3,600,000 SETTLEMENT

Bus on bus collision caused by one of the bus driver’s failure to yield.

$3,000,000 Settlement

Settlement secured on the eve of trial for the full insurance policy limit for a worker fell off an unsecured ladder, causing serious injuries to his elbow, shoulder, and spine, resulting in multiple surgeries.

$3,000,000 SETTLEMENT

Pre-trial settlement for Medical Malpractice case for a c-section that resulted in a perforated bowel and subsequent coma.

$3,000,000 VERDICT

Worker fell 6 feet from a an unsecured scaffold.

$2,950,000 VERDICT

Woman killed after struck by falling limb of city-owned tree.

$2,620,000 SETTLEMENT

Worker struck in face and mouth by falling beam.

$2,350,000 SETTLEMENT

Settlement won through mediation for a woman crossing the street and hit by a car, resulting in shoulder, knee and spine surgeries.

$2,340,000 SETTLEMENT

Worker shocked when saw hit underground electrical cable.

$2,080,000 VERDICT

Motorcycle driver and passenger hit by police car.

$2,008,750 SETTLEMENT

Settlement won through mediation for a child sexually abused by a teacher, causing severe mental trauma.

$2,000,000 VERDICT

Fall on ice rink caused by branch that fell from overhanging street..

$1,989,827 VERDICT

A firefighter fell 15 feet while responding to a gas leak due to a defective ladder.

$1,900,000 VERDICT

Driver ran stop sign, causing car crash.

$1,800,000 SETTLEMENT

Man hit by a van while crossing the street.

$1,700,000 VERDICT

Rear-ended by a 48-foot tractor-trailer.

$1,700,000 SETTLEMENT

Hot soup spilled on 17 month-old infant.

$1,650,000 VERDICT

Bicycle rider hit by dump truck.

$1,500,000 SETTLEMENT

Man died after misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment of epileptic seizures.

$1,500,000 SETTLEMENT

Construction worker injured while using a jackhammer on a bridge.

$1,275,000 SETTLEMENT

Unrestrained passenger with spinal disc injuries in commercial motor vehicle collision.

$1,250,000 VERDICT

Limo driver injured in intersection collision.

$1,200,000 SETTLEMENT

Slip and fall in a building on rainwater that was not cleaned up from the prior night, resulting in 5 arthroscopic surgeries to client’s shoulders and knees.

$1,200,000 SETTLEMENT

The man fell off the scaffold after safety-related labor laws were violated.

$1,173,000 VERDICT

Slip and fall down stairs at a restaurant.

$1,150,000 VERDICT

Fall caused by dangerous conditions at a supermarket.

$1,000,000 VERDICT

Arm malpositioned during surgery, resulting in permanent weakness and disability in the arm.

$1,000,000 SETTLEMENT

Settlement won through mediation for a woman who tripped and fell on a damaged staircase, causing knee, elbow, and spine surgeries.

$1,000,000 SETTLEMENT

Settlement won through mediation when a leaky roof caused a security monitor to fall off a ceiling onto a woman, causing head & neck injuries.

$1,000,000 SETTLEMENT

A collapsed ceiling struck the client.

$1,000,000 SETTLEMENT

TRIP AND FALL DOWN BUILDING STAIRWAY In June of 2017, our client, a Columbian-born former administrative assistant, was descending the steps in her apartment building in upper Manhattan, which was owned and managed by the defendants.

$950,000 VERDICT

Slip and fall down stairs at a restaurant.


Work site’s trench not properly protected.


Trip and Fall on a raised sidewalk.


Slip and fall on wet floor at mall.


The settlement was awarded through mediation for a woman who tripped and fell on a defective sidewalk in New Jersey, causing severe injuries to her face, wrist, shoulder, elbow, and knees.


Woman struck by school bus while crossing the street.


Client riding a bike and struck by a vehicle making a left turn, causing fractures to shoulder and arm and multiple surgeries.


Slip and fall on ice in front of a residential building.


Man fell off unstable ladder while doing maintenance work.


Pre-trial settlement for a pedestrian struck by a rideshare vehicle while crossing the street in New Jersey.


For a woman who fractured her knee due to an uneven sidewalk.


Man fell 20 feet after stepping into empty elevator shaft.


Fall down stairs at a residential building.

$650,000 VERDICT

Trip and fall on crowd-control barriers placed on the sidewalk by police.


Woman struck by a car making an illegal left turn.


Slip and fall at NYC restaurant.


A pedestrian slipped on the sidewalk due to ice formation emanating from a leaking fire hydrant.


Federal court case against a big box store for client’s spinal injuries and surgery caused by unsecure boxes falling on her while shopping.

$600,000 VERDICT

Our client fell on the bus after the bus made a short stop.


Settled at mediation for our client, a U.S. Army veteran, that was involved in a motor vehicle collision causing an exacerbation of injuries he suffered while in the Army.


Trip and fall on a raised sidewalk.


A client was caused to fall by an employee of a retail store and sustained a shoulder injury.


Severe burns from fire caused by a building’s faulty electrical system.


Trip and fall on a raised sidewalk.


Pedestrian who fell on sidewalk defect in Nassau County and sustained shoulder injury.


Trip and fall in a poorly lit NYC restaurant.


Full insurance policies tendered for our client who was driving a car that was struck by another car backing out of a driveway, causing a fractured wrist with surgery.

$400,000 RECOVERY

Client struck by an underinsured motorist.

$400,000 VERDICT

Jury verdict for our client’s brain, spine and knee injuries resulting from being struck by a motor vehicle while crossing the street.

$400,000 VERDICT

Motorcycle driver fell when he hit a pothole.


Slip and fall on ice due to a leaking fire hydrant, resulting in an ankle fracture with two surgeries.


Trip and fall into an unguarded tree pit on sidewalk.

$275,000 VERDICT

Awarded to a tenant who slipped and fell on icy steps at her home.


Man burnt by scalding water from shower.


Little girl, left unsupervised at a stable, bit by horse.

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