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Maternal Mortality Lawyer

Losing a loved one during childbirth is a devastating experience that no family should have to endure. Unfortunately, maternal deaths continue to occur in New York City and across the United States at alarming rates. When such a tragedy strikes, families are often left grappling with grief, confusion, and questions about how this could have happened. In these difficult times, an NYC maternal death lawyer can provide crucial guidance and support.

At Greenberg Law, PC, we understand maternal mortality cases’ complexities and are committed to helping families seek justice and accountability. Our experienced maternal death lawyers handle sensitive matters related to maternal deaths, working tirelessly to uncover the truth and fight for the rights of those affected.

What Constitutes Maternal Mortality?

Maternal Mortality Lawyer

Maternal mortality refers to the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, regardless of the duration and site of the pregnancy. To be classified as maternal mortality, the death must be related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management rather than from accidental or incidental causes.

Key aspects of maternal mortality include:

  • Timing: The death occurs during pregnancy or within 42 days of its end.
  • Cause: The death is directly or indirectly related to the pregnancy.
  • Exclusions: Deaths from accidental or incidental causes are not considered maternal deaths.

Maternal deaths are typically categorized as:

  • Direct maternal deaths: Result from obstetric complications of pregnancy, labor, or puerperium.
  • Indirect maternal deaths: Result from previously existing diseases or diseases that developed during pregnancy, which were aggravated by pregnancy.
  • Late maternal deaths: Deaths occurring between 42 days and one year after the end of pregnancy.

Maternal Mortality Rate in the United States

The United States faces a concerning situation regarding maternal health, with a maternal mortality rate significantly higher than other developed nations. Despite advanced medical capabilities, the U.S. continues to struggle with this critical health indicator.

Key points about the U.S. maternal mortality rate include:

  1. Higher than expected: The U.S. rate is about 23.8 deaths per 100,000 live births (as of 2020), which is more than double that of most other high-income countries.
  2. Racial disparities: Black women face a disproportionately high risk, with a mortality rate nearly three times that of white women.
  3. Increasing trend: Unlike many other developed nations, the U.S. has seen an increase in maternal deaths over recent years.
  4. Preventability: The CDC estimates that about 60% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable
  5. Common causes: Leading causes include cardiovascular conditions, hemorrhage, and infection.
  6. Geographic variations: Rates vary significantly across states, reflecting disparities in healthcare access and quality.
  7. Postpartum period: A significant portion of maternal deaths occur in the weeks and months following childbirth.

As NYC maternal death lawyers, we at Greenberg Law, PC are deeply concerned about these statistics. We’re committed to holding healthcare providers accountable when negligence contributes to maternal deaths, and to advocating for improved maternal health care standards across the nation.

Understanding these trends is crucial for recognizing the importance of proper maternal care and the potential consequences when that care falls short. If you’ve been affected by a maternal death that you believe may have been preventable, don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation to discuss your legal options.

How a Maternal Mortality Lawyer Can Help

At Greenberg Law, PC, we understand the devastating impact of maternal mortality on families. Our experienced NYC maternal death lawyers are dedicated to providing compassionate support and legal representation in these complex cases. Here’s how we can assist you:

Comprehensive Investigation

Our team conducts thorough investigations into the circumstances surrounding maternal deaths. We:

  • Review medical records in detail
  • Consult with medical experts
  • Identify potential breaches in the standard of care
  • Recognize signs of medical negligence that may have contributed to the tragedy

Building a Strong Legal Strategy

Once we establish grounds for a case, we develop a robust legal approach:

  • File wrongful death lawsuits against responsible parties
  • Negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation
  • Represent your interests in court if a settlement cannot be reached

Securing Financial Compensation

As personal injury lawyers, we fight tirelessly to obtain the compensation your family deserves:

  • Medical expenses related to the mother’s care
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Lost income and future earnings
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of companionship and support for surviving family members
  • Punitive damages in cases of gross negligence

Navigating Complex Legal Challenges

We’re well-versed in:

  • New York’s statute of limitations for wrongful death claims
  • Proving causation between medical negligence and maternal death
  • Calculating appropriate damages, including economic and non-economic losses

Advocating for Improved Maternal Healthcare

Our work extends beyond individual cases:

  • We hold negligent providers accountable
  • Contribute to systemic changes in maternal healthcare
  • Address broader issues to help prevent future tragedies

Compassionate Guidance Throughout the Process

At Greenberg Law, PC, we offer:

  • Sensitive and respectful handling of your case
  • Emotional support during this difficult time
  • Clear communication about the potential value of your case
  • Guidance through each step of the legal process, from filing to settlement or trial

If you’ve lost a loved one due to potential medical negligence during pregnancy, childbirth, or the postpartum period, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our experienced NYC maternal death lawyers are here to help you navigate this challenging time, fight for the justice your family deserves, and secure the financial compensation you need to move forward. Contact Greenberg Law, PC for a free initial consultation to discuss your case and understand your legal options.

Common Causes of Maternal Mortality

Maternal deaths can result from various complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, with some causes being more prevalent than others. Understanding these common causes is crucial for prevention and identifying potential medical negligence. Let’s explore the primary factors contributing to maternal mortality:

Severe bleeding (hemorrhage)

  • This is often the leading cause of maternal deaths worldwide.
  • It can occur before, during, or after childbirth.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage is particularly dangerous and can be caused by uterine atony (failure of the uterus to contract), retained placental tissue, or birth canal tears.
  • Prompt recognition and treatment are crucial for survival.


  • These can include sepsis, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia.
  • Infections may be acquired during pregnancy or result from unhygienic delivery practices.
  • Sepsis is particularly life-threatening and requires immediate medical intervention.

High blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia)

  • Pre-eclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to other organ systems, usually the liver and kidneys.
  • If left untreated, it can progress to eclampsia, which involves seizures and can be fatal.
  • Regular prenatal check-ups are essential for early detection and management.

Complications from delivery

  • These can include obstructed labor, where the baby cannot pass through the birth canal.
  • Uterine rupture is another serious complication, often seen in women attempting vaginal birth after a previous cesarean section.
  • Proper monitoring during labor and timely interventions are critical.

Unsafe abortion

  • Complications from unsafe abortions contribute significantly to maternal deaths in many parts of the world.
  • Risks include severe bleeding, infections, and organ damage.
  • Access to safe, legal abortion services and comprehensive reproductive healthcare can reduce these deaths.

Blood clots (embolism)

  • Pregnancy increases the risk of blood clots.
  • Pulmonary embolism, where a blood clot travels to the lungs, is particularly dangerous.
  • Early mobilization after delivery and proper assessment of risk factors can help prevent these events.

Pre-existing conditions aggravated by pregnancy

  • These can include heart disease, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders.
  • Pregnancy can exacerbate these conditions, leading to life-threatening complications.
  • Careful management and monitoring throughout pregnancy are essential.

Amniotic fluid embolism

  • Though rare, this condition is often fatal.
  • It occurs when amniotic fluid enters the mother’s bloodstream, causing a severe allergic-like reaction.

Anesthesia complications

  • These can occur during cesarean sections or other procedures requiring anesthesia.
  • Proper pre-anesthesia assessment and skilled anesthesia management are crucial.


  • This is a weakening of the heart muscle that can occur during or after pregnancy.
  • It’s often diagnosed in the last month of pregnancy or within five months of delivery.

If you believe a loved one’s death was due to negligence in managing any of these conditions, consulting with an experienced NYC maternal death lawyer can help you understand your legal options and potentially seek justice for your loss.

Financial Compensation You May Be Entitled To After Losing a Loved One to Maternal Death

At Greenberg Law, PC, we understand that no amount of money can truly compensate for your loss. However, as experienced NYC maternal death lawyers, we strive to secure the financial compensation your family needs during this difficult time. Here’s an overview of potential compensation:

Medical Expenses

  • Hospital bills, surgical costs, medications, and related medical expenses

Funeral and Burial Costs

  • Funeral services, burial or cremation, and memorial expenses

Lost Income and Future Earnings

  • Lost wages and projected future earnings the mother would have contributed

Pain and Suffering

  • Compensation for the mother’s physical pain and emotional distress

Loss of Companionship and Support

  • For the spouse: loss of love and companionship
  • For children: loss of parental guidance and nurturing

Punitive Damages

In cases of gross negligence, to punish responsible parties and deter future misconduct

Every case is unique, and the specific compensation depends on individual circumstances. At Greenberg Law, PC, we have the experience to calculate and aggressively pursue all forms of compensation accurately you may be entitled to.

Seek Justice for Your Loved One

If you’ve lost someone to maternal death due to potential medical negligence, don’t face this challenging time alone. Greenberg Law, PC is here to help. As experienced NYC maternal death lawyers, we’re committed to fighting for your rights and the compensation your family deserves.

Contact us today for a free consultation. 


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