
Greenberg Law P.C. Legal Blog

Personal Injury Topics: Traumatic Brain Injury Information

According to theCDCfrom 2006-2014, the number of traumatic brain injury (TBI) emergency visits increased by 53% to become a major cause of death and injury in the United States. Those that survive a serious TBI may struggle with lasting disabilities for the rest of their…

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Paying medical bills if you’ve been injured in a car accident

According to the CDC Americans spent more than 1 million days in the hospital each year as a result of a car crash. Out of the 2.5 million people that go to the emergency room each year from car crash-related injuries, almost 200,000 of them…

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Who is responsible for clearing snow/ice from sidewalks in NYC?

Snowfall in York City is predicted to be above-average this winter. With the potential of several feet of snow over the course of winter, snow removal could be a constant reality and danger for New York City residents and commuters. Since snow on sidewalks can…

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This Is What You Must Do If You Suffer a Dog Bite Injury

Bites from pet dogs account for the majority of animal-caused injuries in New York City. Each year, according to the New York City Department of Health, dog bite injuries cause about 6,000 New York City residents to be sent to emergency rooms. As the Department…

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Five Things to Do If You Are Injured by a Defective Product

One of the great blessings of modern life in the U.S.A. is our access to an enormous variety of consumer products. While the overwhelming majority of these products are safe, it’s clear to anyone who goes to Google News and types in “product recall” or…

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Here’s What You Need to Know if You Are in a Motor Vehicle Accident in NYC

For many New Yorkers, especially those residing in parts of the City with poor public transportation options, private motor vehicles provide the only reasonable way to get around. And while American roads – and the vehicles traveling on them – are getting safer, an alarming…

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Important Steps to Take If You Are Hit by a Falling Object in NYC

Objects falling from overhead can do tremendous damage to life and limb. In New York City, they pose a hazard to pedestrians walking on public sidewalks, workers laboring at construction sites, and anyone else unlucky enough to find themselves in the path of an object…

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What to Do If You’re Injured on the Job in NYC

While New York is a Workers’ Compensation State, which means that workers are automatically covered by New York’s Workers’ Compensation system, many people who have been injured on the job mistakenly assume that all claims for job-related injuries are covered by that system, which generally…

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This Is What You Must Do If You Trip on a Sidewalk in NYC

If you trip and fall on a sidewalk in New York City, there are certain things you must do in order to maximize your chances of obtaining satisfactory compensation for any personal injuries suffered as a result. So here’s a checklist of action items that…

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This Is What You Must Do If You’re Hit by a Vehicle

In 2018, an average of 28 pedestrians and 11 bicyclists were injured each day in New York City. And while the mayor’s “Vision Zero” initiative is making New York’s streets safer by lowering speed limits, installing more traffic signals, and introducing a range of safety…

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