Home|Blog|Case Results|Slip and Fall|$1,000,000 SETTLEMENT

$1,000,000 SETTLEMENT


In June of 2017, our client, a Columbian-born former administrative assistant, was descending the steps in her apartment building in upper Manhattan, which was owned and managed by the defendants. She was caused to fall down several stairs as the result of a crack in the worn, slippery marble stair tread, and the defendants’ failure to have two handrails on the staircase in violation of applicable New York City codes.

As a result of this entirely avoidable fall, our client sustained injuries to her back which required spinal surgery; injuries to her right knee which required two arthroscopic surgeries; and injury to the tendons of her left elbow which required surgery.

The defendants moved for summary judgment arguing that our client did not sufficiently describe the condition that caused her to fall—a slippery step or a cracked step. The Court denied this motion and we proceeded toward trial.

One month before our scheduled trial conference date, the defendants offered to mediate the case. The initial offer was only $50,000. At the mediation, our team successfully negotiated a $1Million settlement.

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